Sudoku Solver

To install Sudoku Solver, please run Setup. You may save the Setup.exe program on your computer and run it from there, or just run it from the web. PLEASE NOTE: The Setup program is based off Microsoft's one-click installer. If running Setup does not seem to work, please first ensure that you are not running Setup from a Guest account. Then, if you are not using Internet Explorer, please try clicking on the Setup link from within Internet Explorer. If you are using Internet Explorer, are not using a Guest account (e.g. have a normal user or administrator account -- see below for information on how to check your account type) and see XML gibberish on the screen, see below for a possible fix. Sudoku Solver setup and the program itself are now signed with my website key; unless you have installed my root certificate, however, it will not show up as a trusted key.

The help file installed with Sudoku Solver contains the complete manual, but for a pritable version (and higher-quality graphics), download the XPS or PDF files. A change log appears at the end of the manual.


Possible IE-XML Fix

There are known problems with 1-click installs on IE v8 and later, on Vista (and later versions of Windows). If, instead of a Setup program you see a lot of XML in IE, here are some steps that might set things right again:

  1. Your Click-Once Cache may be corrupted. To clear that cache, first close IE. Then go to a CMD prompt or the RUN dialog and execute: rundll32 %windir%\system32\dfshim.dll CleanOnlineAppCache
  2. Try running Setup from this webpage again. If you still see XML, click on the little torn-page icon in the address bar of this webpage (this turns on IE compatability mode) and try again.
  3. Last thing to try: close IE, repeat Step #1, then reboot and try again.

IE 9 will actively discourage you from running Setup. It will run a security scan and say something like: setup.exe is not commonly downloaded and could harm your computer. One of the buttons presented will be Actions. Press this and a dialog box will show up; if one of the choices isn't Run Anyway, click on More Options and then Run Anyway should appear. It's all rather interesting, considering that 1-click install packages are a Microsoft product.

How To Check Your Account Type

You will need to run the command line program WHOAMI:

  1. Click on Start, then type CMD.EXE in the search box (or in Run).
  2. In the Cmd window, run: whoami /groups /fo list
  3. Look through the Group Name entries; if you find "BUILTIN\Guests" as one of the groups, then you are running from a Guest account. If you do not find "BUILTIN\Guests" as one of the group names, then you have a normal user or admininstrator account.